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Wednesday, 23 July 2014

July 23, 2014

Maoists exploded Delhi- Howrah track in Amamasilva town close Aurangabad region of Bihar.

The occurrence is accounted for to have occurred around 11.30 p.m. on Tuesday.

Ghulam Shah, Electrical Driver said, "I saw the smoke, Just after the seeing the smoke there was a blast. I tried to stop the train coming from that direction. Sealdah Rajdhani, Howrah Rajdhani and Bhubaneswar Rajdhani were behind it,"

Abdul Bashit, a traveler set from Allahabad to Gaya included, "There was a red light; on seeing the signal the train was halted. The pilot engine driver saved the lives of all the passengers. First around 20 paramilitary personnel reached the spot then around 150 policemen also reached but when the blast happened there was no protection for 10-15 minutes."

So far no losses have been accounted for.

Further points of interest are anticipated.

(Image and inputs from ANI)
Posted by in  on 7/23/2014 03:12:00 pm No comments

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