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Sunday, 27 July 2014

July 27, 2014

World acclaimed sand craftsman, Sudarsan Pattnaik, made a sand model at Puri shore in Odisha, urging Israel and Gaza to end the clash and engaging for peace.

Pattnaik, who is country's fourth most astounding regular citizen honor holder, made a five-feet high hand with 'Stop war' composed on it and a pigeon holding 'a message of peace'.

Calling peace an answer for the Middle East emergency, he said a peace process must be started between both the nations and the United Nations (U.n.) ought to mediate.

Both countries should talk and resolve the issue. War is not a solution and local people are being affected to such an extent that one gets to see blood everywhere. So we want to send across a message to both the countries through this art that they should make efforts to initiate peace process and U.N. should be part of it," said Pattnaik.

Spreading the message of peace and congruity through his fine art, the craftsman has taken an interest in more than 50 global sand model titles and celebrations around the globe and has guaranteed sundry grants.

The amount of Palestinian passings in the 18 days of clash has been put at 822, the vast majority of them regular people.

Global calls for a truce have developed as the passing toll has mounted in the most noticeably awful erupt of Israeli-Palestinian brutality in just about two years, started by the homicide of three Israeli teens and retribution slaughtering of a Palestinian youth.

A resulting wave of abrogations by remote carriers strongly lessened movement at Israel's typically clamoring global portal at the stature of the late spring vacationer season, and was hailed as a triumph by Hamas. (ANI)
Posted by in  on 7/27/2014 10:07:00 pm No comments

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