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Sunday, 27 July 2014

July 27, 2014

In its efforts to develop and promote new tourist places in the state, the Jammu and Kashmir government has constructed a new public park in Dandipora village in district Anantnag .

This park, which has been constructed by the tourism department to lure tourists, is situated between the two famous tourist destinations Kokernag and Daksum.

The tourism department had developed this park on waste land near a stream. The place has already become famous among the locals and sees an average of 3000 souls visiting this place every day.

Khursheed Ahmed, CEO, Kokernag Development Authority, said, "We have made a park in Dandipora and we are developing two other parks. This has been done so that it becomes a great tourist destination. We have spent about Rs 2 crores on this."

The place has also become a hotspot for school kids as a picnic destination. The tourism department has kept every facility including a restaurant, a wash room and a pool in this park.

A local man, Nazir Ahmed, told ANI, "This park was not developed at all earlier but now it's been developed and people are coming over here from far off places. But it still needs a little more development so that people come from all over. Even the casual labourers who are working here must be helped by the government."

The locals, who often spend their quality time in this park have hailed this step of the state government and are hopeful that it will generate many employment resources in that area. (ANI)
Posted by in  on 7/27/2014 09:58:00 pm No comments

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