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For Today's News

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

July 22, 2014

FIFA prosecutor Michael Garcia's report on affirmed World Cup offering trick has been purportedly defer ed by a few weeks.

The report, which was prior anticipated that will be conveyed late-July, is relied upon to turn out in ahead of schedule September.

FIFA said that the morals trustees' investigatory chamber hopes to submit its report in the first week of September, News 24 reported.

Be that as it may, Garcia set a focus recently July to convey his secret report to morals judge Joachim Eckert.

Eckert will utilize the examination document to choose conceivable approvals against nine bidders which contended to have the 2018 or 2022 World Cup, report said.

Russia and Qatar, separately, won facilitating rights in December 2010 votes of FIFA's official panel.

FIFA President Sepp Blatter has said just his decision board, and not Eckert, has force to upset a vote and request a re-run, report included. 

Photo and Input from ANI
Posted by in  on 7/23/2014 12:10:00 am No comments

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