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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

July 22, 2014

Food Processing Industries Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal said the National Mission of Food Processing will be implemented during the 12th Plan period to set up primary processing centres, collection centres besides technology upgradation, establishment and modernisation of such industries.

"These schemes of the mission are implemented by the state governments and they have full powers to receive sanction and release funds to the eligible applicants," she said in Lok Sabha.

Badal said the Ministry has entered into an agreement in 2012 with France for promoting cooperation in the field of food processing and allied sectors.

She said under technology upgradation scheme, grant-in-aid has been sanctioned by the Ministry to 3438 units in 11th Plan and 2509 in 12th Plan for setting up and modernisation of food processing industries.

Replying to a supplementary, Badal said government has decided to review the policy to set up Mega Food Parks as out of the 40 such Parks sanctioned, only 22 are in process while proposals of 14 applicants were rejected.
Government has launched a scheme for technology upgradation and establishment and modernisation of food processing industries across the country to minimise wastage of perishable fruits and vegetables.

(PTI Report)
Posted by in  on 7/22/2014 02:47:00 pm No comments

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