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Thursday, 12 June 2014

Part of the "Walk Again Project", an international collaboration of more than 100 scientists, eight Brazilian patients who are paralysed from the waist down have been training for months to use the exoskeleton, researchers said.

"The system works by recording electrical activity in the patient's brain, recognising his or her intention - such as to take a step or kick a ball - and translating that to action," explained professor Miguel Nicolelis of US-based Duke university and the International Institute for Neurosciences of Natal, Brazil. The system also gives the patient tactile feedback using sensitive artificial skin.

A sense of touch would be essential for the patient's emotional comfort as well as control over the exoskeleton. "Thus the challenge was to give a paralysed person, together with the ability to walk, the feeling of touching the ground," added Gordon Cheng, head of the Institute for Cognitive Systems at the Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM), Germany. 

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