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Thursday, 19 June 2014

The 40 Indians were working for Baghdad-based construction company Tariq Noor al-Huda. The ministry of external affairs said on Wednesday that there was no confirmation about their location or ransom demands. - See more at:
The 40 Indians were working for Baghdad-based construction company Tariq Noor al-Huda. The ministry of external affairs said on Wednesday that there was no confirmation about their location or ransom demands.
New Delhi is trying every conceivable method of getting through to  the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a brutal militia that has kidnapped the Indian workers, who are mostly from Punjab. Diplomats are in touch with the U.S. and Iraqi governments, and also with Turkey, whose nationals have also been abducted.

"The Turkish government is already speaking to their contacts in Iraq and are confident that they will have a breakthrough," said a senior government official dealing with the crisis.

"We believe that there are a number of soldiers and officers from Saddam's army in the ISIS. They are favourably disposed towards us and will help us establish some contact to resolve the crisis," said another senior government official.

Read more at Hindustan Times
Image from Hindustan Times
New Delhi is trying every conceivable method of getting through to  the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a brutal militia that has kidnapped the Indian workers, who are mostly from Punjab. Diplomats are in touch with the U.S. and Iraqi governments, and also with Turkey, whose nationals have also been abducted.
"The Turkish government is already speaking to their contacts in Iraq and are confident that they will have a breakthrough," said a senior government official dealing with the crisis.
In addition, some officials are also trying an unconventional route:  Reaching out to former soldiers who served under Saddam Hussein, the dictator toppled by U.S. forces in 2003.
- See more at:
Posted by in  on 6/19/2014 08:34:00 am No comments

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