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Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The book, titled ‘Substance and Shadow’, is authored by Uday Tara Nayar, a close family friend of the Bollywood thespian. It chronicles the life of Kumar right from his childhood, career, the ups and downs in his life, his family and more.

“This evening is special and we hope everyone likes his biography. I am feeling great today. It is a dream come true to me. Everyone will know about his childhood, growing up years and you will hear it from him. For the first time he has spoken about it,” Banu told reporters.

“It is a big day and I am big fan of Yusuf (Dilip Kumar) sahab. It is a memorable day. He is such an inspirational figure to me right through my career. I have learnt so much from him. Every time I watch his work I feel am discovering him each time. I am thrilled to be here,” Aamir said.

Read More at Indian Express
Posted by in  on 6/11/2014 06:51:00 am No comments

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